futureconcerts – Thoughts on our Music for Tomorrow

A look into our sector’s future

Zukunftskonzert – Gedanken zur Musik für morgen

Ein Vorausblick in die Zukunft unserer Konzertkultur.

When you imagine the concert culture of 2033, what do you look forward to most?

Worauf freuen Sie sich am meisten, wenn Sie sich die Konzertkultur 2033 vorstellen?

What would be your greatest fear?

Was wäre Ihre größte Befürchtung?

What music, which pieces, which composers, would you like to hear in 2033?

Welche Musik, welche Stücke, welche KomponistInnen möchten Sie 2033 hören?

How and where would you like to hear the new music 2033?

Wie und wo möchten Sie die neue Musik 2033 hören?

Choose a question to answer.

Changes in the interrelationships that shape our lives influence (inevitably, and rightly so) our culture and our music. Technological global progress offers not only the potential for stronger communication and development but also significant challenges.

Worldwide cultural exchange necessitates opening up the paths along which multifarious musical traditions, protagonists and value systems may encounter each other. Digital media can help in this; conversely, they can also isolate, whereas we are seeking audiences and open debate.

In times of declining support from government arts budgets and shrinking sources of income, we are in search of guidelines for new directions. To this end, we asked thirty fellow musicians and partners in dialogue:

  • When you imagine the concert culture of 2033, what do you look forward to most?
  • What would be your greatest fear?
  • What music, which pieces, which composers, would you like to hear in 2033?
  • How would you like to listen to them – in what kind of settings, which virtual spaces, and on which occasions?

We have been collecting answers in a book published by Wallstein Verlag on the occasion of our anniversary concert on 15 October 2023, and shall also post them here. Authors and editors are Stefan Fricke, editor for new music at Hessischer Rundfunk public service radio and Jan Ehlert, cultural editor.

The book is available at the events as well as in bookshops · 30 €
(ISBN 978-3-8353-3486-1)