I could imagine that concerts of 2033 will aim to transcend traditional boundaries by embracing unconventional spaces, interactive elements, and multisensory experiences. For example, a performance in a cave, or a dense forest, or a bar, or an installation in the U-bahn might reshape our understanding of what music can be and how it can be experienced.
18. April 2024 7:25
Die Hauptsache Musik! In der Hoffnung das die Oper auch dann noch steht, gerne dort. Vielleicht in einem anderen Setting . Im nicht bestuhlten Zuschauerraum, mit den Musikern auf der Bühne, in der Garderobe…… . Gerne auch an anderen Orten. Wichtig ist mir Musik mit anderen Menschen zu genießen und zu erfahren.
Johannes Schöllhorn
3. April 2024 16:12
Amidst all the current euphoria and enthusiasm for virtual spaces it’s easy to overlook the fact that most of the spaces in which we listen to music are, to all intents and purposes, already virtual i.e., they create a world apart from the accustomed surroundings within which we live out our everyday lives; music itself always creates a virtual space.
For my part, along with John Cage I’ve no preference for any particular space; I’m always ready hear music anywhere, to comprehend what I hear as music and enjoy it as such. For this, I don’t need any forms or spaces that predefine what could be music.
Nicolas Tzortzis
23. March 2024 13:52
Since classical and contemporary music is gradually being pushed out of its natural habitat, we might need to come up with new ideas as to where and how to present our work. This could mean playing in clubs, underground venues, or also online concerts, whose sound quality could be excellent by then. The listener/spectator will by then probably have the option to watch the concert from many different angles, from the conductor’s perspective, focus on the instrument of their choosing or even move around virtually, experiencing a very different concert then today.
Who knows, maybe by then we will only virtually be “allowed” to enter the big concert halls, while playing clandestine concerts in abandoned basements as part of the resistance…
7. November 2023 10:57
Jeder Platz kann seinen eigenen Reiz entwickeln. Konzerte im Park sind wunderbar, Konzerte in kleinen Locations auch. Aber man darf auch die Aura eines klassischen Konzertsaals nicht unterschätzen!
15. October 2023 23:52
2033 möchte ich – ob ich dann im städtischen oder ländlichen Raum lebe – weiter die Gelegenheit haben, vor Ort mit anderen “offenen Ohren” Neue Musik zu erleben. Ich danke jetzt schon allen, die es hoffentlich möglich machen.
I could imagine that concerts of 2033 will aim to transcend traditional boundaries by embracing unconventional spaces, interactive elements, and multisensory experiences. For example, a performance in a cave, or a dense forest, or a bar, or an installation in the U-bahn might reshape our understanding of what music can be and how it can be experienced.
Die Hauptsache Musik! In der Hoffnung das die Oper auch dann noch steht, gerne dort. Vielleicht in einem anderen Setting . Im nicht bestuhlten Zuschauerraum, mit den Musikern auf der Bühne, in der Garderobe…… . Gerne auch an anderen Orten. Wichtig ist mir Musik mit anderen Menschen zu genießen und zu erfahren.
Amidst all the current euphoria and enthusiasm for virtual spaces it’s easy to overlook the fact that most of the spaces in which we listen to music are, to all intents and purposes, already virtual i.e., they create a world apart from the accustomed surroundings within which we live out our everyday lives; music itself always creates a virtual space.
For my part, along with John Cage I’ve no preference for any particular space; I’m always ready hear music anywhere, to comprehend what I hear as music and enjoy it as such. For this, I don’t need any forms or spaces that predefine what could be music.
Since classical and contemporary music is gradually being pushed out of its natural habitat, we might need to come up with new ideas as to where and how to present our work. This could mean playing in clubs, underground venues, or also online concerts, whose sound quality could be excellent by then. The listener/spectator will by then probably have the option to watch the concert from many different angles, from the conductor’s perspective, focus on the instrument of their choosing or even move around virtually, experiencing a very different concert then today.
Who knows, maybe by then we will only virtually be “allowed” to enter the big concert halls, while playing clandestine concerts in abandoned basements as part of the resistance…
Jeder Platz kann seinen eigenen Reiz entwickeln. Konzerte im Park sind wunderbar, Konzerte in kleinen Locations auch. Aber man darf auch die Aura eines klassischen Konzertsaals nicht unterschätzen!
2033 möchte ich – ob ich dann im städtischen oder ländlichen Raum lebe – weiter die Gelegenheit haben, vor Ort mit anderen “offenen Ohren” Neue Musik zu erleben. Ich danke jetzt schon allen, die es hoffentlich möglich machen.
Everywhere, anytime.